We've been busy.
Getting two houses ready to put on the market and adjusting to married life takes time, energy and effort. Now that both homes are listed, we can concentrate on continuing our great adventure. We did manage a five day trip about a month ago to Pedernales Falls state park. The birding was great.
Tomorrow we are going to Landon's Eagle scout court of honor. Wow! What an achievement. I first met Landon a little over a year ago at a RV rally and learned that he had been working towards his Eagle scout badge but was kinda stuck. Well, I tried and I am going to take a little credit for unsticking him. He is a fine young man. He's involved in his church, makes good grades and has been accepted into Texas A&M University. Gig'em! I thought and thought about an appropriate gift and finally decided to have a flag flown over the US capitol in his honor. He will get a certificate and of course the flag once its been flown. Wouldn't it be interesting if it is flown the day the congress passes the obamanation health care bill.
I'll try to get back on track here because I've got stories to tell. Water lines freezing, record snow falls in the country, the dreaded hogs and some great adventures Roxie has had.
Blessings to all....