Saturday, September 18, 2010

Whew...I'm tired.

And I have good reason to be. I was up at 5 again this morning but Judy beat me to the coffee making this morning. I must admit, her coffee this morning was better than mine yesterday.

I read my newspapers on line this morning and was out before sunrise washing the motorhome. It may have been cool but boy the humidity was tough. Makes a fat boy sweat. I started to call my buddy Wayne and let him know I was sweating enough for both of us but decided I really didn't want to hear about him having to use the heat pump in the mornings.

I finished up the maintenance I wanted to get done on the beast, thats what I call her when I have to wash and work on her, and was pretty much finished by noon. I sure can get a lot more done when I don't laze around in bed till all hours of the morning.

Judy is cleaning or should I say sanitizing the house before we leave so I'm kind of laying low, you know like staying out of the way. I gave Roxie a bath and for a dog that will find a mud hole to romp in or a lake to swim in I have to sneak up with the leash when I get the shampoo and towels . Crazy dang dog that I love.

We only have three things left to do. Attend church in the morning to honor God. One last stop for fresh vegetables at Krogers. Take Roxie to my sons. I dreamed about her last night and I know I will miss her but she will be happier...I hope. I bet you anything she is laying under the motorhome in the dirt right now and she just had a bath. Oh well, at least she smells good.

Next post will be from the road where we will be chasing fall. I'll post pictures during our adventure so you can get an idea of the fall beauty we hope to find.

Oh my goodness. I almost forgot. We went for Mexican food last night as we're trying to get our fill cause its hard to find good tex-mex once you get away from Texas. They had a guy singing and he was really entertaining. I finally did it, took Judy by the hand and said "lets dance". She said "where?". I said "right here between the tables". We got a big round of applause both when we started and again when we stopped. Golly it was fun. Its too bad there are no places to go dancing anymore.

More from the road. Blessings to all...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Close does count in something other than horseshoes!

I can say that because we're getting closer to chasing fall.

I actually got up before Judy this morning. I woke up at 5 and tossed until 5:30 before I decided to get up and make coffee. I hate to tell you this but it was one of the few times I've made the coffee. Hey, I can't help it she gets up earlier than me. Of course I failed to put in enough coffee so it was a little weak. I don't think its a secret but Judy loves to get up early and sit in her chair in the living room praying. Its her special time of the the day and I always try to give her all the time she wants. Of course thats a perfect reason for me to stay in bed awhile longer but you know you can smell coffee just so long and then you gotta get up.

I made a quick trip to the country this morning just to check on things. Thanks be to God, no hog or armadillo damage. I pray that continues. I'm suppose to be getting a price for fencing around the house area to keep those suckers away but my fence builder apparently is a democrat and is getting enough welfare he doesn't need to work so I've not been able to get him to give me a price in three weeks. You know, he's busy not having to look for a job. Dang liberals. Maybe I should have been one and not worked so hard but then I'm not sure I would have the "stuff" I have today. Enough on the perils of being a believer in working for what you get.

We have the motorhome just about loaded. I may need to increase the air pressure in the tires to carry the additional weight we've added over the last week. Tomorrow is wash day. I know it will be Saturday and your first thought it was bath time for me...not. I have to wash the motorhome and this is the only time I refer to her as a beast. Thirty eight feet long and twelve feet tall and don't forget the roof. I estimate it would equal washing five Suburbans. I'll try to start soon after sun up. Any volunteers?

I guess thats about it for today.

Blessings to all...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Is today Thursday?

We are busy little beavers (oh boy is that a story in of itself) this week cleaning and packing the motorhome for our upcoming meandering around searching for fall.

We'll leave sometime Monday morning heading in a northeasterly direction because thats where we heard fall could be found. We are not going to make any reservations this trip, kind of a seat of our pants type trip I guess. Like I mentioned earlier, our friends Wayne and Earlene are trail blazing for us and said the campgrounds are not near capacity but then of course some of the places they stay wouldn't be busy most times of the year. Wayne did call yesterday from someplace in Mass. just to let me know he had washed his motorhome and never broke a sweat. Now Wayne is a big ole boy and usually breaks out in a sweat just thinking of work. That is really the only reason I'm Wayne bashing is because he called to brag about the temperature. Jerk! Don't worry, I'm not talking behind his back. I used much stronger words when he called.

This is big news. We aren't taking Roxie with us. Sniff, sniff. She has really gotten to the point she hates traveling or more factual, she hates being left alone in the motorhome all day while we're out having a good time. My son Mike agreed to keep her while we're gone. He has two daughters that love Roxie and it'll take us awhile to straighten her out once we get back cause she'll be spoiled rotten. Thats okay, they love her. Boy I'll sure miss her though.

Well my sweat has now dried so I need to get back at it. Judy is having lunch with her best friend (no not me) today and will leave me to continue continuing. I'll go get the oil changed in the toad, thats what we motorhome people call the vehicle you tow. I think it comes from the word "towed" but somehow the spelling got goofed up.

Before I go, will y'all pray with me for the United Sates? This country is in a world of hurt and like this little signs we see around..."Prayer is our only hope".

Blessings to all...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I was doing okay with the blog this summer while touring Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and other great states until I got those poems and then things really changed for me. I don't have a clue what but for sure I didn't want to write anymore. It wasn't until my grand daughter Ashlyn started sending me more stories she had written and asking me to send her some things I had written did I realize the importance of this blog. I went back and read many of them and realized it makes no difference if anyone other than me and Judy ever read them because I was reminded of things I had forgotten as I read through the stories so I decided I would be more diligent in writing on our next trip. That begins next Monday.

We are going to go find fall and some of those cooler days. Our friends Wayne and Earlene are blazing the trail for us. They left a couple weeks ago and the last I talked to them they were leaving Gettysburg headed to Massachusetts. High temps of mid sixties and of course Wayne had to rub it in that he has needed the heat pumps a few mornings. That's okay, we're not to far behind them.

Y'all stayed tuned if your interested in our fall trip. I hope Ashlyn enjoys reading it as much as I enjoy reading her stories.

Blessings to all...