Friday, July 31, 2009

Rain, rain everywhere

Thank you Lord for the rain. It rained during the night and again this morning and another band is about five miles away. Over 2 inches in two thats what I call an answer to our prayers.

We will be leaving this afternoon for a rally with our friends in the Texas Boomers RV club. It will be good to see our friends that we haven't seen in several weeks.

I hope everyone will have a restful and peaceful weekend.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

I told you...specifically speaking

What did I tell you. God loves specific prayers. We got a tad over one inch of rain from about 11:00 am til about 1:30 pm. Like we prayed, slow and hardly any run off. Old mother earth was so thirsty she soaked it up with nary even a burp.

Keep up the good work Lord and we give you thanks for the rain today.


Thank God for your blessings...

Roxie and I arrived in Conroe just before lunch and surprise surprise...Judy had made yeast rolls. Of course I had to have one before lunch as an appetizer. "Gooooood" as Andy Griffith would say.

We had lunch at Mr Hamburger #2 and even though they didn't make the Texas Monthly fifty best hamburger list, I still rate it above some of those that did make the top fifty. Actually, I don't always agree with Texas Monthly on their reviews of eateries. Once when they did the barbeque review, I had eaten at several and wouldn't consider any of them really good barbeque. Shoot...what do a bunch of liberals out of Austin know about barbeque anyway.

Now about our blessings. Roxie and I thought it was hot and dry in Elkhart til we got to Judy's. Roxie has walked around panting since she's been here...poor baby. Judy doesn't want her in the house and she only gets in when nobody is looking. Judy went in the kitchen the other day and Rox had managed to open the back door and was lying on the rug in the kitchen just looking around. Front paws crossed of course. Back on blessings, praise God for what you have because it could be worst. A friend in College Station griped so much about the need for rain that she got a flood, literally, and a hail storm. God answers our prayers and He doesn't like it when we pray and asks in generalities.

The folks in central and southeast Texas do need a good ground soaking rain, not one of those frog strangling 10 inch rains in a few hours, so lets keep that in our prayers.

I'm glad to be at Judy's but we both miss the birds we've been seeing at the country place.

Have a blessed day and pray for those that need a good ground soaking rain. I'm telling you, God likes specifics.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Beautiful morning in the country...

Didn't sleep well last night, maybe the anticipation of going to Conroe today.

Roxie and I went outside around 11pm and she immediately spied an armadillo in the flower bed and the chase was on. I hope she scared it enough that it won't be back. Do you think they have enough brain capacity to remember stuff like that? Last summer I trapped 19 over a three week period. Oh, how you've gotta love the country life.

Haven't told you my IRS saga. I received a letter from the IRS Monday that one of my corporations hadn't submitted form 941 the last three quarters of 08. And by golly they were right. You see I sold my business last March and didn't have any payrolls so no taxes were withheld. Its amazing how quickly they notify me of my transgressions yet half of comrade Obamanations cabinet are just plain tax evaders. The aggravating part of the whole story...I spent a total of 4 hours and 10 minutes on hold over a two day time period. Once I got a person, Mr Cavanaugh, it was resolved in short order. Yeah, they are Mr, Mrs or Ms and we're "customers". I heard that so many times I wanted to scream..."Please continue to hold, all our agents are busy assisting other customers". I thought I was making airline reservations.

Well. Daylight is burning so I'll get myself going.

Have a blessed day.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What a sight to awaken too.

Three different bucks. Pictures taken from my bedroom window all the same morning.

Looks can be deceiving

It looks like rain, it smells like rain and it sounds like rain but its not raining. Maybe later.

I got most of my mowing done yesterday after Judy left for Conroe. Best things to happen yesterday were seeing so many new birds and taking Roxie down to the lake for a swim. She loves the water except when its coming out the end of a water hose...for a bath. She's so funnywhen she's swimming, she will bite at the water and then she sticks her head under the water. If I get water on her face bathing her she goes nuts....go figure.

Oh yes, I saw my first buck of the season a couple days ago. He was a nice 8 point and of course in full velvet. I was driving on my property and got within maybe 30 yards and he just froze. I hope the deer are like last winter when I had as many a eight bucks and I don't recall how many does in my yard several mornings eating acorns. Even saw two bucks "josting" for the doe of their dreams. No...I'm not a hunter anymore but I still don't want comrade Obamanation and his henchmen taxing my guns or worse, taking them away from me.

Its raining...praise God. I don't know for how long but whatever we get will be what God thinks we need now.

Have a blessed day.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunday...a day of rest.

We did some birding this morning (Sunday) and saw more indigo and painted buntings than imaginable. Also a yellow billed cuckoo, a summer tanager and of course the nuthatches, titmice, etc.

Drove to Tyler for a Mexican food fix and a little "big" city shopping and got home early enough to root for Mark to pull another race out...second place.

We spent some time planning our September great adventure also. Its hard to believe we've only been home a couple of weeks and are getting antsy to hit the road again. We do have a couple rally's to go too between now and when we leave again.

Judy is leaving this morning for her home in Conroe...sigh, and I've got outside chores to take care of before I go down later in the week.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Stop & Go Traffic

And we use to worry about traffic on the Houston freeways.

Thoughts of cooler climes.

Having coffee on the porch and remembering the cool morning drives in Yellowstone. We caught the mist rising from the Yellowstone River early one morning.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday afternoon

I've got to get accustom to updating this blog.

It's now Saturday and the heat has come back...if it really ever left. Judy and I mention often how cool it would be in the Black Hills of SD.

Judy drove up from the Conroe area Wednesday afternoon for a few days. We've done some antiquing....always looking for a deal and in general relaxing. Speaking of a deal, I did find a set of professional emergency triangles should I ever need them for the motorhome. $6.

Heard from our friends Bud and Jan who asked us to drive up to their ranch in Denton for a few days...too hot. Besides, I live on a ranch just don't have the ranch critters to worry about. This is the couple we're planning another Great Adventure with this fall. Well not really fall, mid September.

Great Adventure number 3 for this year. East to Jackson, MS then north on the Natchez Trace to Nashville. East to Asheville, Mrtyle Beach, Savannah, Jacksonville, FL, Destin, Mobile, Vicksburgh and back up the Trace to Jackson. 5 weeks and about 2000 miles.

Adventures so far this year: Davis Mountains and Big Bend. Black Hills, Yellowstone and Grand Tetons.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday, July 19th in the Country

Its nice this morning...70 and low humidity. The dew on the hay meadow is glistening in the early morning sun and the only sound is the whirrrrrrr of the porch ceiling fan.

Both cats are out checking for fresh scents and Roxie is steadily checking each new gopher mound.

I got the drives and highway right of way mowed yesterday and will concentrate on the yard today. My son Mike did a lot of mowing when he and his family were here a few weeks ago so things aren't bad. Thank goodness for centipede grass, "the lazy man's grass", because it's only been mowed once this year and yes it needs mowing but it's not terrible.

Have a blessed day.