It looks like rain, it smells like rain and it sounds like rain but its not raining. Maybe later.
I got most of my mowing done yesterday after Judy left for Conroe. Best things to happen yesterday were seeing so many new birds and taking Roxie down to the lake for a swim. She loves the water except when its coming out the end of a water hose...for a bath. She's so funnywhen she's swimming, she will bite at the water and then she sticks her head under the water. If I get water on her face bathing her she goes nuts....go figure.
Oh yes, I saw my first buck of the season a couple days ago. He was a nice 8 point and of course in full velvet. I was driving on my property and got within maybe 30 yards and he just froze. I hope the deer are like last winter when I had as many a eight bucks and I don't recall how many does in my yard several mornings eating acorns. Even saw two bucks "josting" for the doe of their dreams. No...I'm not a hunter anymore but I still don't want comrade Obamanation and his henchmen taxing my guns or worse, taking them away from me.
Its raining...praise God. I don't know for how long but whatever we get will be what God thinks we need now.
Have a blessed day.
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