We left the country house yesterday morning in a steady rain and it never got less than steady until we got almost to Caddo Lake State Park, where we'll be for the next two days.
We got "set up": I connected a water hose up and connected the electric supply while Judy does the automatic leveling, extends the slides and puts the rug down. It takes less than five minutes. Now thats the way to go camping.
We walked over to the lake and Judy took some pictures of one of the most unique lakes in Texas. It was a natural lake until they decided in the 50's to dam it to control some of the downstream flooding. It 25000+ acres of cuts, sloughs and canals. A person (me) could easily get lost in short order.
After a drive down to Uncertain, Tx for a quick look see, we headed to Jefferson to do some antiquing. They have it all, from real and I mean real junk to some truly beautiful antiques. After sampling a co-zillion varieties on jellies, jams and preserves, we bought a jar of huckleberry jam. It was so good on crackers but as we found out this morning, its better on biscuits. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, as Andy Griffith would say. That was it. Didn't find another thing we had to have.
We had a great dinner and decided to watch a DVD...I fell asleep about twenty minutes in to the movie and it was a funny movie. I guess I was tired or maybe I was preparing for later in the night. About, not about, at 1:35 this morning I heard the fan stop and considered what king of problem did that mean. About, and this time it really is about, thirty minutes all kinds of traffic driving through the cg and I soon realized it was the power co-op guys checking the lines. Sure enough, about 45 minutes later they found a tree that had fallen across the line and that does bad things to switches, fuses and breakers, not to mention breaking the the power cable. Since it was back up in the "woods", they had to wait until day light due to safety issues to repair it, which they promptly did.
This is just a commentary on my part and has nothing to do with our great adventure, but... My country house is service by Houston County Electric Co-op, this was the Panola-Harrison Electric Co-Op, and these folks give the best service in the world. You want to know why? Because they are our neighbors, friends and/or relatives. We can put a face on these men and women. Try that with one of your big city power suppliers. I can call my co-op and not even have to talk to a machine. Seems I usually talk to Johnny but I saw in the latest co-op magazine that he was retiring. I'm sure going to miss talking to him but there will be somebody just as good and just as capable to help the next time I need them in the middle of the night. Makes you wish you lived in the country doesn't it? Back to our great adventure.
We awoke, again, this morning to a grand day the Lord has given us. I took Roxie for a walk in the woods and then Judy and I took her down to the lake for the first time. She thought it looked like a fine swimming hole, but I don't know, looks like a gator lake to me. Judy took several more pictures. One particularly neat one was of a Belted Kingfisher that was busy diving into the lake for breakfast. We took a country drive and found a rookery of White Ibis...oh my goodness. There must have been hundreds of them. We saw mature, immature and juvenile. Wow, what a neat find.
We are meeting some friends for mexican food tonight. It may be our last chance for real tex-mex for a few weeks so we better take the opportunity
We will be leaving early in the morning for that swanky place I keep telling you about on Table Rock lake in north east Arkansas. Don't worry. I didn't bring my tux so I'll just to go with what I brought. I never have tried setting up with a coat and tie on....
Blessings to all....