Here at the country place its just me, Roxie, Smooch, Lovey and about a co-zillion hummers. Judy left early today for Conroe to take care of some business and wait on UPS to deliver her camera thats been in for repairs.
I do have some news of a personal nature to share with all of you. I went today for a much needed and much overdue physical and while be examined the doc heard and I felt a heart palpitation. No, not the kind I got when baby Dunkette came up missing but rather a real flutter of the ole ticker. So now I'm wearing a twenty four hour heart monitor to record the goings on of said ticker. This same situation happened many years ago and I had all kinds of tests including a heart cath and they never found nor could they duplicate the "flutter" again. Maybe we'll find out this time whats causing this unusual activity. Sure hope it doesn't include another look around the heart...from the inside.
I had an exciting thing happen this afternoon. I was replenishing the hummingbird feeders and they were not being very patient. As I was trying to rehang one of the feeders, two hummers perched and started drinking and one landed on the back of my hand. I'm standing here looking eye ball to eyeball with three hummers that aren't 12" from my face. I stood frozen for what seemed like forever when finally one that had perched got his fill and the one on my hand took its place. How exciting! Another blessing from God.
I pray everyone had a fun and of course safe Labor Day weekend and ladies, don't forget, no more white till Easter.
Blessings to all...
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