We're in Conroe preparing for the weekend rv rally with our friends.
Judy and I spent the afternoon shopping and getting my car scrubbed. I have a great place that is next door to where my body shop was in Conroe that does hand wash for twenty dollars and they make it look great. We also bought Christmas flowers for Jim and Alyce's grave sites and shopped for the pot luck dinners for the rally. Its so great to have Judy to share things with and we continue to talk about our future together.
When we got home this afternoon, Judy's daughter called with the news of the killings in Killeen at Fort Hood. Amy's husband is army and he had called Amy telling her of the carnage. Keith has some men stationed at Fort Hood and was getting calls from people trying to find out information, but of course he didn't know any more than what was on the news. I'm so sorry for all the dead and injured family and friends.
Friends...what is going to happen to this country? We need to pray diligently for this country and its leaders.
Blessings to all...
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