I gotta get y'all up to date on the goings on we have going on.
Judy and I left Conroe late Saturday morning and drove up to Mansfield, TX to overnight with Chuck and Maggie at their house. What a friend. Chuck has full hook ups including 50 amp service and provided us with a steak dinner to boot.
We left around nine Sunday morning and drove to Hope, Ar, Bill Clinton's hometown and other than a huge sign out on the interstate we never saw another mention of him Maybe they are waiting for Monica to show up with some juicy gossip-or not. We over nighted in the city fairgrounds. We located two shady spots with lots and lots of room around and settled in for some relaxation. I guess it worked because I got so relaxed I can't remember doing much. I guess that's what we're supposed to be doing anyway.
The next morning I took Roxie for a walk through the woods and when I got to a large clearing I heard that call that could only be one thing and sure enough it was. There were two eagles soaring over head and one came gliding down within maybe 75 feet and landed in a dead tree. Seconds later the other followed and settled in a tree not far away. I have seen eagles several times and my heart still races each time. They are magnificent birds and always remind me of the courage and greatness of our nation. By the way...don't forget to pray for our country, its our only hope. Back to the eagles. I watched them for several minutes and decided to go get Judy as she's the real bird lover but by the time we got back they had left the area.
We loaded up and headed for Cane Creek state park in Star City. It was a beautiful drive (183 miles) as we are mainly going to stay off the major roads this trip to see more of the scenery.
We were all set up before noon and ready to sit out and enjoy the breeze blowing in from a 22,000 acre lake. Our side by side 90 feet long paved sites back up to the lake and we sit maybe 50 feet above the lake. Typical of state parks, the distance between Chuck's motorhome and ours is probably about 50 feet. Heck, that's room for at least one more space in one of those fancy campgrounds. On the other side is room for 8-10 sites but instead they have a nice boardwalk down to the fishing pier and boat docks. Fifteen bucks a night, what a rip off.
Now the good stuff. The summer tanagers are here by the co-zillions. And noisy, man are they loud. Judy set up a feeder and I put a water drip out and the carolina wrens are enjoying the bath. We noticed something fun(kinda) today. The wrens are busy building a nest on top of one of the motorhome slides. Its late for nesting but maybe its just the perfect spot for them.
Judy is back napping right now and Roxie is in her place next to me dreaming that she's chasing something. At least she's asleep and her legs are running and she's whimpering.
I'll quit my rambling by telling you about dinner last night. Fried green tomatoes, purple hull peas, fresh tomatoes, macaroni cheese and Maggie's bread and butter pickles. It would have made a bull dog break his chain. Tonight will be more fresh veggies along with bread pudding and egg custard pie. I don't know what the bull dog will do about this meal!
Judy just came in, Roxie rolled over with her feet in the air so I guess I better listen to them. I'll talk to Judy and rub Roxie on the belly or maybe talk to Roxie and ...
Blessings to all and continue to keep all our friends in your prayers. God knows who they are.
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