Big cities have a lot to offer, if you're inclined to take advantage of those offerings.
Judy and I drove into Houston yesterday, mainly because neither one of us had been there for a while. By golly, its still Houston and I still love it. You must understand, Houston is where I lived the majority of of my adult life. I got a college education, met nice young women, learned not to drink alcohol in excess, worked in the petro chemical industry, married, bought homes and had three wonderful children.
A friend of mine this week posted a joke on one of the RV forums I frequent about Red Adair and the engineering company Brown & Root. An unknown person responded something to the effect that B&R had been fined millions or maybe even billions of dollars for illegal actions over on the other side of the world. I jumped to B&R's defense for several reasons. One, don't be messing in something you don't know about and two, don't run down anything Texan. We'll get on you for that. What was so good about Ken's post was that it brought back all those memories of my early business dealings in Houston. My first million dollar sale was in 1971 to B&R for a Gulf Oil project in Alliance, LA. It was my first experience doing business in Louisiana and was it a learning experience. I happened to be friends with man thats dad was attorney general in Louisiana and lets just say the AG ended up with a nice Christmas bonus that year. It's just the way its done in Louisiana.
Back to the city of Houston. I was proud to see how clean the city streets were downtown. We didn't see any panhandlers but then again it was Saturday and not many opportunities to panhandle. There was very little construction and other than the electric train running up and down Main St there wasn't much traffic. Its always a pleasant surprise to go back to familiar surrounding and find them nicer than you remembered.
I've got to get dressed for church. Its sure nice most people have realized God doesn't care if you come in a suit and tie or a pair of jeans to church, just come. I'll wear a pull over shirt and a nice pair of slacks.
Blessings to all....
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Mindless stuff!
We all need a down day occasionally so there, I said it and I'm going to stick to it.
The thunder rolled...dang, sounds like a song but then thats not what this story is about. The thunder did roll this morning and the lightning was making it appear later than it really was but Roxie didn't care what time it was. I'm lying there snoozing away around 5 this morning when I felt a 35 pound weight settle on the side of my bed and then cozy up to me. Dog breath was a dead give away as to who the perpetrator of this vicious prank was...Ms Roxie decided the thunder was too loud and the lightning was too bright or should that be brite, don't know and really I don't care, being an engineer and all but back to the story. I know I've got you riveted now. Roxie usually isn't concerned with thunder and lightning but she sure was this morning. Or maybe its payback for those mornings we awaken her in what she is sure is the middle of the night. Doesn't matter, we got up. We again had coffee-guess where. Yep on the porch.
After the sun made its usual appearance I jumped in the Suzuki to make the 150 yard drive to the game camera to see what had been captured on Kodachrome during the night. Twelve images had been shot, oh my. I retrieved the card and anxiously hurried back to the computer to see what had ventured forth during the night. First picture was a mug shot of me, in color however, second was when Roxie ran in the camera's field of view, third-seventh was of Judy and I driving up in the Suzuki yesterday. Guess what the remainder images were piggy, piggy. I can assure you it wasn't the one that I shot in the butt the other day because this one was much smaller. Maybe 100 pounds, but if that sucker keeps eating my $6/bag corn, it'll get fatter. And the corn is for the deer not coons, crows and especially hogs.
So much for the country. We packed up and drove back to Judy's for the weekend. We missed church last weekend so we thought we should go this Sunday since we'll be at a RV rally Labor Day weekend. Oh thats right, you heard my tirade about the church at my home last week. We won't go there again.
Interesting sight today. Judy picked up some dry cleaning today and while I waited in the car I noticed a machine in an open doorway. I could easily tell it was a new machine and I was fascinated watching it work. This is the mechanical engineer coming out in me so just bear with me or hit ctrl, alt, del...I don't care. But this machine was incredible. There was one lady operating it. She would place a shirt, because thats what it was designed to do, on one of the four stations. A cover would press the front and back simultaneous while two "arms" would pull straight out on the arms of the shirt, pressing them. Of course I had to get out of the car for a closer look. It takes about 40 seconds for the shirt to make it around the four stations. The operator removed the shirt and using some other ingenious machine she would finish the collar. I could have watched that machine for hours but Judy was patiently waiting in the car. I don't think she appreciated the machine as much as I did. That's the problem with engineers I guess.
I'm now resting in a recliner with my knee elevated some. I guess I made a move when I was on safari or something because it is sore as heck and swollen pretty badly. I'm just glad I left the .30-.30 rifle in the country. I don't want anybody getting the idea of well "they shoot horses don't they". It'll be better tomorrow, I pray.
Blessings to all.....
The thunder rolled...dang, sounds like a song but then thats not what this story is about. The thunder did roll this morning and the lightning was making it appear later than it really was but Roxie didn't care what time it was. I'm lying there snoozing away around 5 this morning when I felt a 35 pound weight settle on the side of my bed and then cozy up to me. Dog breath was a dead give away as to who the perpetrator of this vicious prank was...Ms Roxie decided the thunder was too loud and the lightning was too bright or should that be brite, don't know and really I don't care, being an engineer and all but back to the story. I know I've got you riveted now. Roxie usually isn't concerned with thunder and lightning but she sure was this morning. Or maybe its payback for those mornings we awaken her in what she is sure is the middle of the night. Doesn't matter, we got up. We again had coffee-guess where. Yep on the porch.
After the sun made its usual appearance I jumped in the Suzuki to make the 150 yard drive to the game camera to see what had been captured on Kodachrome during the night. Twelve images had been shot, oh my. I retrieved the card and anxiously hurried back to the computer to see what had ventured forth during the night. First picture was a mug shot of me, in color however, second was when Roxie ran in the camera's field of view, third-seventh was of Judy and I driving up in the Suzuki yesterday. Guess what the remainder images were piggy, piggy. I can assure you it wasn't the one that I shot in the butt the other day because this one was much smaller. Maybe 100 pounds, but if that sucker keeps eating my $6/bag corn, it'll get fatter. And the corn is for the deer not coons, crows and especially hogs.
So much for the country. We packed up and drove back to Judy's for the weekend. We missed church last weekend so we thought we should go this Sunday since we'll be at a RV rally Labor Day weekend. Oh thats right, you heard my tirade about the church at my home last week. We won't go there again.
Interesting sight today. Judy picked up some dry cleaning today and while I waited in the car I noticed a machine in an open doorway. I could easily tell it was a new machine and I was fascinated watching it work. This is the mechanical engineer coming out in me so just bear with me or hit ctrl, alt, del...I don't care. But this machine was incredible. There was one lady operating it. She would place a shirt, because thats what it was designed to do, on one of the four stations. A cover would press the front and back simultaneous while two "arms" would pull straight out on the arms of the shirt, pressing them. Of course I had to get out of the car for a closer look. It takes about 40 seconds for the shirt to make it around the four stations. The operator removed the shirt and using some other ingenious machine she would finish the collar. I could have watched that machine for hours but Judy was patiently waiting in the car. I don't think she appreciated the machine as much as I did. That's the problem with engineers I guess.
I'm now resting in a recliner with my knee elevated some. I guess I made a move when I was on safari or something because it is sore as heck and swollen pretty badly. I'm just glad I left the .30-.30 rifle in the country. I don't want anybody getting the idea of well "they shoot horses don't they". It'll be better tomorrow, I pray.
Blessings to all.....
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Blasted Hogs...
Yep...blasted! And thats exactly what I did late yesterday.
We were sitting on the porch, how unusual is that (?), as the sun was going down that dang hog appeared at the feeder. Judy got Roxie inside and I grabbed my trusty .30-.30 lever action Winchester. I headed out on the great safari in my yard. I of course didn't need the Range Rover or the locals to carry supplies on their heads as I knew this would be a rather short safari, and it was. I got behind a hickory tree, much stronger and bigger than the stand of sassafras, to conceal my whereabouts. That ole hog was busy rubbing himself on the utility pole and not paying me no never mind. Well I sure got his attention when I busted him in the butt with the Winchester so much so that he started running straight towards me. I quickly thought, this ain't good, wonder how many bullets were loaded in the Winchester, oh my. Breeched another shell, thankfully, and shot at a 200 pound hog running straight at me...drats, missed. It did give him the idea that maybe he should head a different direction, which was just fine with me. As he was running away from me, I unloaded another 150 grain round into that big butt of his and knocked him down. As he squealed and ran off I decided that safaris in the yard are not all that bad. I walked a couple hundred feet back to the porch, sat down in the rocker and explained to Judy the finer techniques of going safari hunting in the yard. Number one rule, always have a big hickory tree between you and a charging hog. There's something about seeing those tusks gleaming in the waning sun that sends a chill over you. I don't know if I killed him but I know he is a little heavier today because he's carrying around at least two pieces of lead. I checked the feeder this morning and he decided to eat someplace else last tracks. Daniel Boone and Davey would be proud of me ...I hope.
I'm sitting on the porch listening to the drops of rain drip off the roof and splatter on the big leaves of that plant I can't ever remember the name of. The thunder in the distance makes me think we're in for a day of needed showers. I pray for that anyway. I'm glad we got the hay meadow cut, baled and the hay stacked in the barn before all this rain. Wet grass doesn't make for good hay.
We don't have any projects planned for today but I still haven't gotten around to setting up my game camera. There is always tomorrow... or at least thats another prayer.
Blessings to all......
We were sitting on the porch, how unusual is that (?), as the sun was going down that dang hog appeared at the feeder. Judy got Roxie inside and I grabbed my trusty .30-.30 lever action Winchester. I headed out on the great safari in my yard. I of course didn't need the Range Rover or the locals to carry supplies on their heads as I knew this would be a rather short safari, and it was. I got behind a hickory tree, much stronger and bigger than the stand of sassafras, to conceal my whereabouts. That ole hog was busy rubbing himself on the utility pole and not paying me no never mind. Well I sure got his attention when I busted him in the butt with the Winchester so much so that he started running straight towards me. I quickly thought, this ain't good, wonder how many bullets were loaded in the Winchester, oh my. Breeched another shell, thankfully, and shot at a 200 pound hog running straight at me...drats, missed. It did give him the idea that maybe he should head a different direction, which was just fine with me. As he was running away from me, I unloaded another 150 grain round into that big butt of his and knocked him down. As he squealed and ran off I decided that safaris in the yard are not all that bad. I walked a couple hundred feet back to the porch, sat down in the rocker and explained to Judy the finer techniques of going safari hunting in the yard. Number one rule, always have a big hickory tree between you and a charging hog. There's something about seeing those tusks gleaming in the waning sun that sends a chill over you. I don't know if I killed him but I know he is a little heavier today because he's carrying around at least two pieces of lead. I checked the feeder this morning and he decided to eat someplace else last tracks. Daniel Boone and Davey would be proud of me ...I hope.
I'm sitting on the porch listening to the drops of rain drip off the roof and splatter on the big leaves of that plant I can't ever remember the name of. The thunder in the distance makes me think we're in for a day of needed showers. I pray for that anyway. I'm glad we got the hay meadow cut, baled and the hay stacked in the barn before all this rain. Wet grass doesn't make for good hay.
We don't have any projects planned for today but I still haven't gotten around to setting up my game camera. There is always tomorrow... or at least thats another prayer.
Blessings to all......
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
We've been busy (?)
Work, work and more work. You gotta love living in the country but then again we hope you don't because the traffic is getting bad on our farm to market road.
Just yesterday morning, I was telling Judy how little traffic we had when we first bought this place...nine years ago. If you've been reading this from the get go, you know my house is in the middle of acreage thats maybe three fourths of a mile from the highway with a nice mature pine plantation to block the traffic sounds. And dad gum it, I have a neighbor that drives a Dodge diesel pick up truck that he just loves to wind up leaving for work each morning. It disturbs my porch sitting some mornings. Oh the trials and tribulations of living in the country.
We heard the coyotes howling the other afternoon, probably because they heard him coming home. I had not heard them in quite sometime and its always fun to listen to them. The amazing thing about them is the way they communicate with each other. They will yelp and howl ferociously for several minutes and then all of a sudden they will all stop and I mean stop instantly. Occasionally there will be one lone yelp and you know its a young pup that just doesn't know any better. I bet his momma whoops up on him for doing that; don't you think?
I cleaned out the feeders for the deer last weekend and with Judy's help filled them with corn Monday. It was much easier to fill them with her raising me up in the front end loader of the tractor than me doing a balancing act on top of the Suzuki. We checked one of the feeders yesterday afternoon and there wasn't any corn on the ground so "something" has been for a meal. I always pray its not those feral hogs that are so plentiful here. I've got to put my game camera up to record the coming and goings from the feeders. It could be a raccoon or it could be that really nice buck that we saw several times last year...even after deer season was over. Oh he is magnificent. My friend Don and I only saw him twice last year but we still talk about him.
We gave the motorhome a good cleaning yesterday on the inside. Its like cleaning a house, just less floor to clean. I'll wait an wash it next week before we leave for the Boomer rally.
We're getting excited about our next adventure this fall. We've been checking some of the temperature's of places we plan on visiting and it has already been in the 50's at night. Dang this global warming. I'm just glad its happening (global warming) or it might be in the 40's already. Poor Al. I guess he didn't make enough money from inventing the Internet so he had to come up with some other ruse.
The suns coming up so I'm moving to the porch to wait for the wildlife to awaken.
Blessings to all......
Edit to this post. I must have scared the hog away before day lite this morning. We went out on the porch at sunup and had not sat down good when Roxie started growling. Judy was the first to see what she thought was a deer but no it was a blasted hog heading towards the feeder. Roxie took off and I yelled at her to come, which she did, and the hog ran back into the woods. I went out and could see tracks where it had been earlier today. Dang things. And by the way, the dang armadillo is back. I'm moving to the city! Oh wait, I can't do that cause then I risk getting shot.
Just yesterday morning, I was telling Judy how little traffic we had when we first bought this place...nine years ago. If you've been reading this from the get go, you know my house is in the middle of acreage thats maybe three fourths of a mile from the highway with a nice mature pine plantation to block the traffic sounds. And dad gum it, I have a neighbor that drives a Dodge diesel pick up truck that he just loves to wind up leaving for work each morning. It disturbs my porch sitting some mornings. Oh the trials and tribulations of living in the country.
We heard the coyotes howling the other afternoon, probably because they heard him coming home. I had not heard them in quite sometime and its always fun to listen to them. The amazing thing about them is the way they communicate with each other. They will yelp and howl ferociously for several minutes and then all of a sudden they will all stop and I mean stop instantly. Occasionally there will be one lone yelp and you know its a young pup that just doesn't know any better. I bet his momma whoops up on him for doing that; don't you think?
I cleaned out the feeders for the deer last weekend and with Judy's help filled them with corn Monday. It was much easier to fill them with her raising me up in the front end loader of the tractor than me doing a balancing act on top of the Suzuki. We checked one of the feeders yesterday afternoon and there wasn't any corn on the ground so "something" has been for a meal. I always pray its not those feral hogs that are so plentiful here. I've got to put my game camera up to record the coming and goings from the feeders. It could be a raccoon or it could be that really nice buck that we saw several times last year...even after deer season was over. Oh he is magnificent. My friend Don and I only saw him twice last year but we still talk about him.
We gave the motorhome a good cleaning yesterday on the inside. Its like cleaning a house, just less floor to clean. I'll wait an wash it next week before we leave for the Boomer rally.
We're getting excited about our next adventure this fall. We've been checking some of the temperature's of places we plan on visiting and it has already been in the 50's at night. Dang this global warming. I'm just glad its happening (global warming) or it might be in the 40's already. Poor Al. I guess he didn't make enough money from inventing the Internet so he had to come up with some other ruse.
The suns coming up so I'm moving to the porch to wait for the wildlife to awaken.
Blessings to all......
Edit to this post. I must have scared the hog away before day lite this morning. We went out on the porch at sunup and had not sat down good when Roxie started growling. Judy was the first to see what she thought was a deer but no it was a blasted hog heading towards the feeder. Roxie took off and I yelled at her to come, which she did, and the hog ran back into the woods. I went out and could see tracks where it had been earlier today. Dang things. And by the way, the dang armadillo is back. I'm moving to the city! Oh wait, I can't do that cause then I risk getting shot.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Country sunshine on Sunday morn...
Another great day in the country and f0r many reasons.
We had another unwanted visitor last night. We just wished it had been that ornery armadillo but no it had to be one of those dang scorpions. It crawled across Judy's back and with a swift flick of her hand it was on the pillow. Its dead now. I've told ya'll about Judy and her hands before. Remember Lambert's Restaurant, home of the throwed rolls? That's when I learned about Judy's softball skills in her younger days. I'm telling you, she can catch those throwed rolls and now I know she can give a scorpion a swift flick.
We were not good servants of the Lord today. We didn't attend church services this morning in the country. I'm a member of the local Methodist church and I have been disappointed in the services for quite some time now. Its not the members, its not the minister, its the music. As Rick Warren says, "people are not wanting 200 year old lyrics played on 100 year old instruments" and especially when played where every third note or so is the wrong note and it sounds like a funeral dirge. I know, accept it. Well here's where the real problem came in. When I was Lay Leader of the church I had several members ask me if we couldn't do something about the music. Each time I approached the proper committee regarding this subject it was always the same answer..."but their such sweet people". Yep, they sure are and we pay them well for their services. You have to understand, because I've owned my own businesses over the years being sweet doesn't mean you keep your job if your not performing satisfactorily. This isn't a government job. Heck, I almost fired my son-in-law once.
For the past several months I've been attending Judy's church in Conroe. Its a nondenominational church with praise music that I really enjoy. You can't believe until you've heard it, "How Great that Art" when its jazzed up. More and more people want to pat their foot and clap their hands and make a joyous noise unto the Lord. At the Methodist church I once said amen out loud after the minister said something I thought was great and you would've thought I'd struck a match to burn the church down. I just enjoy the more contemporary services today. O f course, thats why they still make all those different flavors of ice cream.
Some day I'll give you my sermonette on how simple the instructions are that Jesus left us. I don't know why we try so hard to complicate religion. While on our great adventure we attended a church service held in a campground and the minister asked me what denomination I was..."Christian", I responded.
I'll end this diatribe with this little story. An employee from several years ago has stayed in contact with me via e mail and this morning I got a message from him that he was going to join his church. You see, Chuck and I had our differences over the years but we've always stayed in touch and I was elated he had made that decision. You see, when Chuck worked for me, he wasn't exactly the poster boy for religion. On second thought, I was a newbie myself. Point being, if Chuck and I can make it, so can you. God is good!
Blessings to all....
We had another unwanted visitor last night. We just wished it had been that ornery armadillo but no it had to be one of those dang scorpions. It crawled across Judy's back and with a swift flick of her hand it was on the pillow. Its dead now. I've told ya'll about Judy and her hands before. Remember Lambert's Restaurant, home of the throwed rolls? That's when I learned about Judy's softball skills in her younger days. I'm telling you, she can catch those throwed rolls and now I know she can give a scorpion a swift flick.
We were not good servants of the Lord today. We didn't attend church services this morning in the country. I'm a member of the local Methodist church and I have been disappointed in the services for quite some time now. Its not the members, its not the minister, its the music. As Rick Warren says, "people are not wanting 200 year old lyrics played on 100 year old instruments" and especially when played where every third note or so is the wrong note and it sounds like a funeral dirge. I know, accept it. Well here's where the real problem came in. When I was Lay Leader of the church I had several members ask me if we couldn't do something about the music. Each time I approached the proper committee regarding this subject it was always the same answer..."but their such sweet people". Yep, they sure are and we pay them well for their services. You have to understand, because I've owned my own businesses over the years being sweet doesn't mean you keep your job if your not performing satisfactorily. This isn't a government job. Heck, I almost fired my son-in-law once.
For the past several months I've been attending Judy's church in Conroe. Its a nondenominational church with praise music that I really enjoy. You can't believe until you've heard it, "How Great that Art" when its jazzed up. More and more people want to pat their foot and clap their hands and make a joyous noise unto the Lord. At the Methodist church I once said amen out loud after the minister said something I thought was great and you would've thought I'd struck a match to burn the church down. I just enjoy the more contemporary services today. O f course, thats why they still make all those different flavors of ice cream.
Some day I'll give you my sermonette on how simple the instructions are that Jesus left us. I don't know why we try so hard to complicate religion. While on our great adventure we attended a church service held in a campground and the minister asked me what denomination I was..."Christian", I responded.
I'll end this diatribe with this little story. An employee from several years ago has stayed in contact with me via e mail and this morning I got a message from him that he was going to join his church. You see, Chuck and I had our differences over the years but we've always stayed in touch and I was elated he had made that decision. You see, when Chuck worked for me, he wasn't exactly the poster boy for religion. On second thought, I was a newbie myself. Point being, if Chuck and I can make it, so can you. God is good!
Blessings to all....
Friday, August 21, 2009
Great weather is here
Yep it is and I was up to see it all happen. You see, the lightning woke me up around 3:30 this morning and I could never go back to sleep. So what does an average person do, log on!!! I went to face book and made some mindless post, and thats exactly what most people do, about the time. Low and behold my friend Barbara immediately responded, "what are you doing up at 4 am". Oh know, I knew then, if the both of us were up at that hour it must be an omen.
Made coffee and moved to the, oh come on, guess. Roxie reluctantly joined me and I'm pretty sure she had only one eye open. We walked around in the yard listening to the sounds of the night. The whippoorwill was still sounding sad but Mister Hooty Owl was telling all that would light is coming. Not for a while though. The front with all its cloud cover had not yet gotten to us so the stars were still absolutely brilliant. The stars in Orion's belt were lined up just like they were supposed to be. Do you remember in seventh grade science when we learned that stars "twinkle" and planets shine? Boy they were this morning...twinkling and shining that is.
Finally decided to call Judy around 6:30 and she answered all out of breath saying she had been awake since 4:30 and was on the treadmill. No, she had not been on the treadmill for two hours.
I mean come on, treadmill at 6 in the morning. I'm lucky to get one foot in front of the other to the coffee pot at that time in the morning. Well now I digress, I am able to make it to the (guess). Hint-starts with a p.
I fixed a grand breakfast in preparation of the days chores. Tractor time. Lopper time. Man, its amazing what happens to the plants here when we get a good rain. Grow! I mowed for several hours and then decided to stretch my legs so I grabbed those high dollar loppers Judy bought me and went to loppering. Whew! That didn't last near as long as sitting on the comfy seat of the Kubota tractor. I was mowing along contemplating life's issues when a serious vibration started. I turned and saw that the gear box on the mower was loose. Not good I thought to myself. I stopped and disconnected the mower from the tractor, used the front end loader to turn the mower over and much to my chagrin realized it was not going to be an easy task. One thing to remember if you ever move to the country, make sure you have an assortment of large heavy hammers. I always need to hammer something to fit and then paint to match. Got it repaired but by that time I was exhausted. Remember, 3:30. Fixed dinner and now getting ready for Judy to come back to the country for a longer and hopefully a more restful week.
Now pay attention to this. God sent the lightning this morning that woke me up and then He gave me the free will to either lie in bed or get up and enjoy His creation. I chose to go listen to the sounds of the night and to marvel the beauty of the night sky. Try it sometime, you might be surprised.
Blessing to all....
Made coffee and moved to the, oh come on, guess. Roxie reluctantly joined me and I'm pretty sure she had only one eye open. We walked around in the yard listening to the sounds of the night. The whippoorwill was still sounding sad but Mister Hooty Owl was telling all that would light is coming. Not for a while though. The front with all its cloud cover had not yet gotten to us so the stars were still absolutely brilliant. The stars in Orion's belt were lined up just like they were supposed to be. Do you remember in seventh grade science when we learned that stars "twinkle" and planets shine? Boy they were this morning...twinkling and shining that is.
Finally decided to call Judy around 6:30 and she answered all out of breath saying she had been awake since 4:30 and was on the treadmill. No, she had not been on the treadmill for two hours.
I mean come on, treadmill at 6 in the morning. I'm lucky to get one foot in front of the other to the coffee pot at that time in the morning. Well now I digress, I am able to make it to the (guess). Hint-starts with a p.
I fixed a grand breakfast in preparation of the days chores. Tractor time. Lopper time. Man, its amazing what happens to the plants here when we get a good rain. Grow! I mowed for several hours and then decided to stretch my legs so I grabbed those high dollar loppers Judy bought me and went to loppering. Whew! That didn't last near as long as sitting on the comfy seat of the Kubota tractor. I was mowing along contemplating life's issues when a serious vibration started. I turned and saw that the gear box on the mower was loose. Not good I thought to myself. I stopped and disconnected the mower from the tractor, used the front end loader to turn the mower over and much to my chagrin realized it was not going to be an easy task. One thing to remember if you ever move to the country, make sure you have an assortment of large heavy hammers. I always need to hammer something to fit and then paint to match. Got it repaired but by that time I was exhausted. Remember, 3:30. Fixed dinner and now getting ready for Judy to come back to the country for a longer and hopefully a more restful week.
Now pay attention to this. God sent the lightning this morning that woke me up and then He gave me the free will to either lie in bed or get up and enjoy His creation. I chose to go listen to the sounds of the night and to marvel the beauty of the night sky. Try it sometime, you might be surprised.
Blessing to all....
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I need to tell you bout my drawers...
Did that get your attention?
Now I know you all have those drawers somewhere in your house that collects "stuff". Mine are in the kitchen, bottom two drawers next to the pantry. Judy's are in her laundry room. I once opened one and oh my it was interesting. I don't have any idea how many "drawers" she has but I think she may have more than my two. A little secret she shared with me is she use to do "projects" that required special tools, un huh (Sp). Now I've heard it all...well almost all. Not only does she have her utility room but she has her well house (its the size of a two car garage), her two and half car garage and of course her guest house. Its not fair, she has more places to have junk drawers than I. Do you think she will read this and come clean? Its not a deal breaker! Point is, I cleaned out my drawers and now I feel better. I still can't find my PVC cutter but the hunt is not over.
It really bothered me this morning that Judy was not here...for many reasons, but I heard a bird that I've never heard and I could not find. I'm walking around in my "night clothes" looking for this loud mouth with only a huge pair of binoculars and can't locate it anywhere. Its over here, no its over there, no its...dang it, I don't know where it is but I did see another bird sitting all alone in the top of the hickory tree. Now what is it? Don't know. Blue gray with a long beak and very distinct white wing bars. It was siting there "grooming", oh she'll get me for that, for so long I finally walked away. I bet if she had been her she would have identified it quickly.
I took some photos of the living areas of my home but decided it is a secret I want to keep for a while. To tell you how much I love this place, I have not left the property since Monday and it really bothered me when I had to leave today. Well heck, I do have to eat and the provisions were beginning to get low. Peanut butter and crackers can just go so far.
I hope some of you enjoy and even get a chuckle from this blog. I sent one of my sons the link and he responded something to the effect, "what, a country bumpkin is blogging, will I be able to put it down". You'll have to understand, he is the one we found under a cardboard box along I 10 many years ago. Or at least thats what we've always told him. That's okay...I still love him even when he insults me cause I know he really loves me...I think.
I pray everyone had wonderful day.
Blessings to all....
Now I know you all have those drawers somewhere in your house that collects "stuff". Mine are in the kitchen, bottom two drawers next to the pantry. Judy's are in her laundry room. I once opened one and oh my it was interesting. I don't have any idea how many "drawers" she has but I think she may have more than my two. A little secret she shared with me is she use to do "projects" that required special tools, un huh (Sp). Now I've heard it all...well almost all. Not only does she have her utility room but she has her well house (its the size of a two car garage), her two and half car garage and of course her guest house. Its not fair, she has more places to have junk drawers than I. Do you think she will read this and come clean? Its not a deal breaker! Point is, I cleaned out my drawers and now I feel better. I still can't find my PVC cutter but the hunt is not over.
It really bothered me this morning that Judy was not here...for many reasons, but I heard a bird that I've never heard and I could not find. I'm walking around in my "night clothes" looking for this loud mouth with only a huge pair of binoculars and can't locate it anywhere. Its over here, no its over there, no its...dang it, I don't know where it is but I did see another bird sitting all alone in the top of the hickory tree. Now what is it? Don't know. Blue gray with a long beak and very distinct white wing bars. It was siting there "grooming", oh she'll get me for that, for so long I finally walked away. I bet if she had been her she would have identified it quickly.
I took some photos of the living areas of my home but decided it is a secret I want to keep for a while. To tell you how much I love this place, I have not left the property since Monday and it really bothered me when I had to leave today. Well heck, I do have to eat and the provisions were beginning to get low. Peanut butter and crackers can just go so far.
I hope some of you enjoy and even get a chuckle from this blog. I sent one of my sons the link and he responded something to the effect, "what, a country bumpkin is blogging, will I be able to put it down". You'll have to understand, he is the one we found under a cardboard box along I 10 many years ago. Or at least thats what we've always told him. That's okay...I still love him even when he insults me cause I know he really loves me...I think.
I pray everyone had wonderful day.
Blessings to all....
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I love my home...
Last night I had a little scare. Around 9 Roxie barked at the door to come in, nothing unusual about that; I swear she thinks she was born to be waited on sometimes. She came in a jumped up on the couch next to me and started her circling like she always does before settling down but when she tried to lie down she would whimper and yelp. Not good, I thought. This went on as if she had some sort of internal pain. I of course checked her for any signs of cuts or bites and didn't find anything. The only way she could seem to get comfortable was by lying stretched out on her side. Those of you that know us know how much I love that dog and will do anything for her. All I could do at that hour was rub her, talk to her and we prayed for her to be okay. I finally fell asleep around mid night with her lying on the floor next to my bed. What concerned me most was her breathing seemed to be labored. I of course didn't sleep very know, kinda slept with one eye open but she seemed okay during the night. I woke up around 6 this morning and jumped up to check her. She had moved to the other side of the bedroom floor, probably looking for you know who, and gave me that ever familiar tail wag. We moved to the porch and she seemed much improved...thank you Lord. She jumped up in the padded chair and began her morning survey of her manor. Not one minute had gone by and a deer showed itself at the treeline in the hay meadow. Roxie's well, she jumped off that chair and the chase was on. I wonder when she's going to learn that she cannot catch those deer? She's been fine all day...lounging.
Do the rest of ya'll have a "junk" drawer in you kitchen? You know, hammer, screw driver, pliers, nuts, bolts, screws, tape and on and on and on. I have two. Boy...that's a story for another day.
Blessings to all of you...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
At home alone...
Yep! Judy had to go back to Conroe this morning to take care of her estate and yes I miss her not being here.
I worked outside trimming trees on the "road" into my house since they are starting to rub the sides of the motorhome coming and going. Roxie decided to wander off to the lake for a swim while I was hard at work and she came back all refreshed. I considered following her lead but then again who may be lurking in the woods...I had no swim suit you understand.
I put two more bird feeders on the arbor Judy and I put up yesterday and within a short time the birds found the food. Its amazing how much they eat and how they go about doing it. I love to watch the nuthatch grab a sunflower seed and make a beeline to the red oak to crack the shell. Its funny, he only wants to crack it hanging upside down. We've got a new group of birds that we can't identify but they sure are beautiful and their behaviour is so unique. I never realized that birds have such different behaviors. Some feed on the ground, some at a "regular" feeder, some at a platform. Some want to be high in the trees, some hiding in the dense foliage and some out in the open. I remember on our trip to Yellowstone all the red-wing blackbirds sitting on the fence post out in the open fields. the pheasants walking along the railroads in South Dakota. Driving down the dirt road by the country house and seeing indigo and painted buntings along the fence row was amazing.
Tomorrow brings another day of chores. I look so forward to each day that God gives me and try to make good use of it. I often hear people wishing time away and it makes me sad. "I wish Christmas would get here". That was my favorite when I was a child as I'm sure it was of many of you. I just pray that I awake in the morning to another blessed day that my God has given me. I'll close my sermon with this...My pledge to God when we bought the country place land was, "dear Lord, I promise to leave it better than when I got it". If each of us would make a similar promise, oh my, what a difference we could make.
Blessings to all....
I worked outside trimming trees on the "road" into my house since they are starting to rub the sides of the motorhome coming and going. Roxie decided to wander off to the lake for a swim while I was hard at work and she came back all refreshed. I considered following her lead but then again who may be lurking in the woods...I had no swim suit you understand.
I put two more bird feeders on the arbor Judy and I put up yesterday and within a short time the birds found the food. Its amazing how much they eat and how they go about doing it. I love to watch the nuthatch grab a sunflower seed and make a beeline to the red oak to crack the shell. Its funny, he only wants to crack it hanging upside down. We've got a new group of birds that we can't identify but they sure are beautiful and their behaviour is so unique. I never realized that birds have such different behaviors. Some feed on the ground, some at a "regular" feeder, some at a platform. Some want to be high in the trees, some hiding in the dense foliage and some out in the open. I remember on our trip to Yellowstone all the red-wing blackbirds sitting on the fence post out in the open fields. the pheasants walking along the railroads in South Dakota. Driving down the dirt road by the country house and seeing indigo and painted buntings along the fence row was amazing.
Tomorrow brings another day of chores. I look so forward to each day that God gives me and try to make good use of it. I often hear people wishing time away and it makes me sad. "I wish Christmas would get here". That was my favorite when I was a child as I'm sure it was of many of you. I just pray that I awake in the morning to another blessed day that my God has given me. I'll close my sermon with this...My pledge to God when we bought the country place land was, "dear Lord, I promise to leave it better than when I got it". If each of us would make a similar promise, oh my, what a difference we could make.
Blessings to all....
Monday, August 17, 2009
My O My...
Judy and I came back to the country after church yesterday. I use came because we're still here. Have I told you my education was mechanical engineering and high school was girls? So just be easy on my sentence structure and the use of me and I and ending sentences with dangling participles.
It was fun watching the NASCAR race yesterday but actually the race Saturday was more fun because cry baby Kyle Busch lost and as usual blamed everyone except me. I was partially to blame because I've rooted against him since forever.
Now about today. We did odd chores around the country place and even took Ms Roxie for a Suzuki ride after the rain this afternoon. But first things first. We get up early, you know thats what "country folks" do, to enjoy the world coming alive while sipping fresh brewed coffee on the porch. The birds are so awesome in the morning. It appears the hummingbirds are the early risers, then the titmouse and the ever present cardinals. This morning brought the indigo buntings and today the yellow billed cuckoo as well as the summer tanager. I remember when I thought they were all just "sparrows".
I have to start a new paragraph for this evenings experience. We're watching the news and Judy announced, "its pouring rain". We need rain so we immediately removed ourselves from the TV news to the porch...we seem to spend a lot of time on that porch don't we? Now for the story. There was a rainbow. No, not just any rainbow. It was our rainbow. You see, it started or ended next to the red oak tree and arched maybe thirty feet high and ended/started in front of the tractor. Not another living human saw that rainbow but us. Now wait. It disappeared after maybe five minutes and then all of a sudden it reappears even brighter. When we saw the rainbow, almost at the same time, we instantly gave God thanks for it and its beauty. If anyone reads this and is not a believer in God's power and grandeur I'm so sorry because you don't have a clue as to what your missing out on. I know there are scientific theories for rainbows, but this was our rainbow. Have any of you ever had a rainbow start and stop within seventy five feet of your eyes? We have!
In Genesis, God says, I do set the bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that bow shall be seen in the cloud... Genesis 9: 13-14.
Soon after the rain ended, the birds came to the feeders, the hummingbird did battle with the red wasp and the two doe and one fawn came for a look see. Of course Roxie being the diligent guard dog she is, soon saw the deer and again the chase was on. The last time we saw the more mature doe was bounding across the hay meadow in haste. Haste defined...bolting at least six feet in the air and clearing maybe fifteen to twenty feet in distance. Roxie never made it far from the porch. You know that dog is a lot smarter than we give her credit for.
We had a very blessed day and the rainbow was awesome. I pray you each get to see a rainbow start and stop in your yard.
It was fun watching the NASCAR race yesterday but actually the race Saturday was more fun because cry baby Kyle Busch lost and as usual blamed everyone except me. I was partially to blame because I've rooted against him since forever.
Now about today. We did odd chores around the country place and even took Ms Roxie for a Suzuki ride after the rain this afternoon. But first things first. We get up early, you know thats what "country folks" do, to enjoy the world coming alive while sipping fresh brewed coffee on the porch. The birds are so awesome in the morning. It appears the hummingbirds are the early risers, then the titmouse and the ever present cardinals. This morning brought the indigo buntings and today the yellow billed cuckoo as well as the summer tanager. I remember when I thought they were all just "sparrows".
I have to start a new paragraph for this evenings experience. We're watching the news and Judy announced, "its pouring rain". We need rain so we immediately removed ourselves from the TV news to the porch...we seem to spend a lot of time on that porch don't we? Now for the story. There was a rainbow. No, not just any rainbow. It was our rainbow. You see, it started or ended next to the red oak tree and arched maybe thirty feet high and ended/started in front of the tractor. Not another living human saw that rainbow but us. Now wait. It disappeared after maybe five minutes and then all of a sudden it reappears even brighter. When we saw the rainbow, almost at the same time, we instantly gave God thanks for it and its beauty. If anyone reads this and is not a believer in God's power and grandeur I'm so sorry because you don't have a clue as to what your missing out on. I know there are scientific theories for rainbows, but this was our rainbow. Have any of you ever had a rainbow start and stop within seventy five feet of your eyes? We have!
In Genesis, God says, I do set the bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that bow shall be seen in the cloud... Genesis 9: 13-14.
Soon after the rain ended, the birds came to the feeders, the hummingbird did battle with the red wasp and the two doe and one fawn came for a look see. Of course Roxie being the diligent guard dog she is, soon saw the deer and again the chase was on. The last time we saw the more mature doe was bounding across the hay meadow in haste. Haste defined...bolting at least six feet in the air and clearing maybe fifteen to twenty feet in distance. Roxie never made it far from the porch. You know that dog is a lot smarter than we give her credit for.
We had a very blessed day and the rainbow was awesome. I pray you each get to see a rainbow start and stop in your yard.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Back to city living...
We left the country earlier today for Conroe.
I brought Smooch the cat inside before leaving this morning and she was not a happy kitty. Even though she has no front claws she is truly an outdoors cat. When we built the house in the country we considered putting in a dogie/cat door but Smooch was such an avid hunter we were concerned what she would drag in while the door was open. Her largest catch was a squirrel some years ago. She's aging and doesn't hunt like she use too accept when an unfortunate birds flies into one of the porch windows, then shes johnny on the spot. She's more into lounging now than hunting. I'll miss her when she's no longer in my life.
Our next great adventure to the southeast has been delayed some. Our friends that were going to tag along had to cancel so now we're deciding when we want to leave. Originally Judy and I wanted to leave late September but our friends needed to be back by mid October and thats the reason we were leaving after the Texas Boomers labor day rally. Now we're back to thinking leaving later in September. That will be better for catching some fall colors in the Smokies anyway.
I'm sitting with my feet up and my laptop in my lap watching the "news". I loved the report on Jackson-Lee's physician friend at the town hall meeting last night. Come to find out, she's not a physician at all, she's an Obamanation grass roots organizer in Texas. I guess its okay to impersonate a physician as long as you don't grab a scalpel or write a Rx. Go figure.
I did get to participate in Kevin Brady and John Cornyn tele town hall meetings this week. It was interesting and I did not hear one person that was for Obamantions health plan. And for the record, I was not recruited, invited and certainly wasn't compensated for participating in these meetings. I don't know how you get invited and I certainly don't know how you get compensated.
There won't be a Suzuki ride for Roxie today, maybe a walk around Judy's "estate" after it cools down some instead
Blessings to all...
I brought Smooch the cat inside before leaving this morning and she was not a happy kitty. Even though she has no front claws she is truly an outdoors cat. When we built the house in the country we considered putting in a dogie/cat door but Smooch was such an avid hunter we were concerned what she would drag in while the door was open. Her largest catch was a squirrel some years ago. She's aging and doesn't hunt like she use too accept when an unfortunate birds flies into one of the porch windows, then shes johnny on the spot. She's more into lounging now than hunting. I'll miss her when she's no longer in my life.
Our next great adventure to the southeast has been delayed some. Our friends that were going to tag along had to cancel so now we're deciding when we want to leave. Originally Judy and I wanted to leave late September but our friends needed to be back by mid October and thats the reason we were leaving after the Texas Boomers labor day rally. Now we're back to thinking leaving later in September. That will be better for catching some fall colors in the Smokies anyway.
I'm sitting with my feet up and my laptop in my lap watching the "news". I loved the report on Jackson-Lee's physician friend at the town hall meeting last night. Come to find out, she's not a physician at all, she's an Obamanation grass roots organizer in Texas. I guess its okay to impersonate a physician as long as you don't grab a scalpel or write a Rx. Go figure.
I did get to participate in Kevin Brady and John Cornyn tele town hall meetings this week. It was interesting and I did not hear one person that was for Obamantions health plan. And for the record, I was not recruited, invited and certainly wasn't compensated for participating in these meetings. I don't know how you get invited and I certainly don't know how you get compensated.
There won't be a Suzuki ride for Roxie today, maybe a walk around Judy's "estate" after it cools down some instead
Blessings to all...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
A down day in the country...
We've worked hard this week on my house and it was time for a day of rest.
You ain't going to believe this...I took Judy to the little country cemetery where my parents, a sister, grand parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc are buried. I had not been there in almost a year and I was glad to see that the cemetery remains well cared for. It was a great time to recall those childhood memories and to have someone to share those with. I took her by my aunt and uncles home place where we spent oh so many Sunday afternoons. After church we would either be at their house or they would be at ours for those magnificent Sunday meals. Oh my, the memories. I do miss the family unity we had back then but now we're just to busy I suppose. An interesting family unity we had, you see, my mother and dad and my aunt and uncle were brothers and sisters. Let me see if I can explain. My dad's sister married my mothers brother and my mother married her brothers wife's brother. Read that multiple times very slowly and you may or may not get. Its as close to in breeding as you can get without actually doing it.
We also visited the Lindale Candy Co thats been in business since 1946. Judy bought black licorice and I tasted jalapeno peanut brittle but decided on just plan ole peanut brittle. I found out on our last great adventure that Judy is a closet licorice addict. How funny.
Got back home to the country and will take Roxie for another Suzuki ride a little later...she's currently on the couch lieing on her back with her legs up in the air. Silly dog.
Blessings to all....
You ain't going to believe this...I took Judy to the little country cemetery where my parents, a sister, grand parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc are buried. I had not been there in almost a year and I was glad to see that the cemetery remains well cared for. It was a great time to recall those childhood memories and to have someone to share those with. I took her by my aunt and uncles home place where we spent oh so many Sunday afternoons. After church we would either be at their house or they would be at ours for those magnificent Sunday meals. Oh my, the memories. I do miss the family unity we had back then but now we're just to busy I suppose. An interesting family unity we had, you see, my mother and dad and my aunt and uncle were brothers and sisters. Let me see if I can explain. My dad's sister married my mothers brother and my mother married her brothers wife's brother. Read that multiple times very slowly and you may or may not get. Its as close to in breeding as you can get without actually doing it.
We also visited the Lindale Candy Co thats been in business since 1946. Judy bought black licorice and I tasted jalapeno peanut brittle but decided on just plan ole peanut brittle. I found out on our last great adventure that Judy is a closet licorice addict. How funny.
Got back home to the country and will take Roxie for another Suzuki ride a little later...she's currently on the couch lieing on her back with her legs up in the air. Silly dog.
Blessings to all....
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I'm as tired as....
Well Ms Judy showed up right on time and didn't bring her white glove....whew! God bless her, she brought lunch which was great since my stomach thought my throat had been cut. After lunch she finished making a lemon pie. She made the "home made" crust earlier and just had to make the filling. Soon we were hard at work moving furniture from one room to another including some pretty good size book cases. For a little woman, she's got good muscle power and she won't stop and take a break...dang it. Oh yeah, the pie was great but the crust may have been the best.
Roxie didn't understand why we weren't stopping to take her for a Suzuki ride. You see, thats been kinda a tradition for years for us to go ride around the ranch each afternoon just for the enjoyment of being outdoors. Roxie often will go for a swim in the lake or in one of the spring fed creeks and will always find something to chase... a rabbit, squirrel or deer. Speaking of deer, we had a yearling in the yard yesterday afternoon and then this morning there were 4 does and one fawn. How fun to watch till Roxie noticed they were intruding in "her" hay meadow and the chase was on, yippie. She lost but at lest they know its her meadow.
Have another story of country living. On occasion we have a problem with scorpions and yesterday was such an occasion. I moved my computer bag and I'll be dang if one wasn't getting ready to visit my bag. Its dead now. I woke up about 12:30 with a bite on my leg, rolled over and went back to sleep and a few minutes later another bite and this time on my stomach. Now its time to get serious. I took a swipe in the dark, another bite on my stomach and another on my hand. Its time to turn on the light. And there that sucker was, bigger than Dallas, on my sheet. Its dead now too. Meat tenderizer time. It take the sting away quickly but the whelps remain. Back to sleep was a little dicey so to say.
Roxie's getting restless so guess we'll go for that suzuki ride today.
Roxie didn't understand why we weren't stopping to take her for a Suzuki ride. You see, thats been kinda a tradition for years for us to go ride around the ranch each afternoon just for the enjoyment of being outdoors. Roxie often will go for a swim in the lake or in one of the spring fed creeks and will always find something to chase... a rabbit, squirrel or deer. Speaking of deer, we had a yearling in the yard yesterday afternoon and then this morning there were 4 does and one fawn. How fun to watch till Roxie noticed they were intruding in "her" hay meadow and the chase was on, yippie. She lost but at lest they know its her meadow.
Have another story of country living. On occasion we have a problem with scorpions and yesterday was such an occasion. I moved my computer bag and I'll be dang if one wasn't getting ready to visit my bag. Its dead now. I woke up about 12:30 with a bite on my leg, rolled over and went back to sleep and a few minutes later another bite and this time on my stomach. Now its time to get serious. I took a swipe in the dark, another bite on my stomach and another on my hand. Its time to turn on the light. And there that sucker was, bigger than Dallas, on my sheet. Its dead now too. Meat tenderizer time. It take the sting away quickly but the whelps remain. Back to sleep was a little dicey so to say.
Roxie's getting restless so guess we'll go for that suzuki ride today.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Home alone....
Well not totally, I've got Roxie and two cats that are madder than heck that I've been gone several days. Now I ask you, how many cats do you know that have a four bedroom, four bath house to lounge around in while their master is out running around the countryside? Probably not many. I'm sure glad Obamanation doesn't have a lot of pets cause he sure isn't at home much to take care of them.
I'm not going to get started on the condition of our country but I'm disappointed that we are turning into a socialist nation so quickly.
Back to being home in the country. I was concerned that Mr armadillo would again set up house keeping in my flowerbeds while we were gone but I guess the experience in the trap made him move on down the road. How funny. I have 130 acres and they want to get in my flowerbeds. To borrow a phrase from Amy..."who would've thunk it".
We have not had much if any rain since leaving, but the grass around the country house was still green and of course needed mowing. Thank the good Lord and whoever (I'm sure it was Texas A&M, gig'em) that invented centipede grass. With my sprinkler system running to keep every thing alive, I've only mowed the grass four times this year, including today. Yippee! After mowing the "yard", and its hard to define a "yard" when its in the middle of acreage I got on the tractor and started some serious mowing of the rest of the "yard". Whee! Glad I got it done cause miss Judy is coming up tomorrow to help me with some decorating.
I love my house for the first time...Damn, thats sounds familiar, who said that? You see, this was the house that my late wife and I built while she was battling cancer and it just really never became a home. It was more of a place to come and try to forget what we were dealing with. Since her death, I've just kinda existed here without a whole lot of purpose. But thats changing.
I, with Judy's help (thankfully) have made this house into a home. Its really decorated in western "stuff". I even have some things from the legendary King Ranch and my favorites are some western prints by G Harvey. The cowhide rug is also a great addition. A nice mule deer shoulder mount and a pronghorn antelope add to the wall decor. I have to admit though, my absolute favorite is my dad's 10 ga shotgun that hangs on my fireplace. Someday, I'll have to share with you the story about that gun.
Hey, I'm sorry. I've rambled way too long but I hope those of you that occasionally read my blog got some enjoyment from it.
Judy will be here in the morning, guess I better get this place straightened up. Did I ever tell you she arrives with a white glove? Thank goodness she's not tall enough to reach the top of the doors. I love it.
I'm not going to get started on the condition of our country but I'm disappointed that we are turning into a socialist nation so quickly.
Back to being home in the country. I was concerned that Mr armadillo would again set up house keeping in my flowerbeds while we were gone but I guess the experience in the trap made him move on down the road. How funny. I have 130 acres and they want to get in my flowerbeds. To borrow a phrase from Amy..."who would've thunk it".
We have not had much if any rain since leaving, but the grass around the country house was still green and of course needed mowing. Thank the good Lord and whoever (I'm sure it was Texas A&M, gig'em) that invented centipede grass. With my sprinkler system running to keep every thing alive, I've only mowed the grass four times this year, including today. Yippee! After mowing the "yard", and its hard to define a "yard" when its in the middle of acreage I got on the tractor and started some serious mowing of the rest of the "yard". Whee! Glad I got it done cause miss Judy is coming up tomorrow to help me with some decorating.
I love my house for the first time...Damn, thats sounds familiar, who said that? You see, this was the house that my late wife and I built while she was battling cancer and it just really never became a home. It was more of a place to come and try to forget what we were dealing with. Since her death, I've just kinda existed here without a whole lot of purpose. But thats changing.
I, with Judy's help (thankfully) have made this house into a home. Its really decorated in western "stuff". I even have some things from the legendary King Ranch and my favorites are some western prints by G Harvey. The cowhide rug is also a great addition. A nice mule deer shoulder mount and a pronghorn antelope add to the wall decor. I have to admit though, my absolute favorite is my dad's 10 ga shotgun that hangs on my fireplace. Someday, I'll have to share with you the story about that gun.
Hey, I'm sorry. I've rambled way too long but I hope those of you that occasionally read my blog got some enjoyment from it.
Judy will be here in the morning, guess I better get this place straightened up. Did I ever tell you she arrives with a white glove? Thank goodness she's not tall enough to reach the top of the doors. I love it.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Sunday...a day of rest.
Well not totally a day of rest.
We went to early church this morning and enjoyed a wonderful service. The message was delivered by the students minister and he was fantastic. He's young and his enthusiasm keeps you glued to his every word. Its only a matter of time, he'll have his own church.
I started organizing the motorhome for our upcoming Texas Boomers labor day rally and our great adventure to the east coast. I drug all the "stuff" out of the basement storage areas and pressure washed everything. Man you can put a lot of stuff in those storage areas. Got hot after about 2 hours and decided enough was enough. Besides, Judy is making a great lunch: brisket, potato salad, baked beans and home made yeast rolls. Oh my! I heard some mention of lemon pie but that may be for some other time.
Slight distraction, Judy called me for lunch...oh goodness it was so good.
Me and Roxie are heading back to the country in the morning in the motorhome. Judy will come up later in the week. I just hope Mr armadillo hasn't been having a hay day while we've been gone.
Judy and I have had a great few days eventhough we've worked our tails off. I didn't mention the great Italian meal we had last night did I? I'm beginning to think all we do is eat.
Blessings to all.
We went to early church this morning and enjoyed a wonderful service. The message was delivered by the students minister and he was fantastic. He's young and his enthusiasm keeps you glued to his every word. Its only a matter of time, he'll have his own church.
I started organizing the motorhome for our upcoming Texas Boomers labor day rally and our great adventure to the east coast. I drug all the "stuff" out of the basement storage areas and pressure washed everything. Man you can put a lot of stuff in those storage areas. Got hot after about 2 hours and decided enough was enough. Besides, Judy is making a great lunch: brisket, potato salad, baked beans and home made yeast rolls. Oh my! I heard some mention of lemon pie but that may be for some other time.
Slight distraction, Judy called me for lunch...oh goodness it was so good.
Me and Roxie are heading back to the country in the morning in the motorhome. Judy will come up later in the week. I just hope Mr armadillo hasn't been having a hay day while we've been gone.
Judy and I have had a great few days eventhough we've worked our tails off. I didn't mention the great Italian meal we had last night did I? I'm beginning to think all we do is eat.
Blessings to all.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Gotta get back to the country...
Just kidding of course but we have been working our tails off.
Yesterday morning we power washed the front porch. Now this isn't any front porch. It's the length of the house and has gingerbread railings top and bottom. Thanks to the internal combustion engine that is connected to a pump it made this chore a lot easier. (power washer)
Judy offered to fix lunch but I wanted to try a place I've been hearing about for quite some time in Tomball. I'm sure glad we tried it. Mel's Diner...dang was it good. Honest to goodness fresh veggies. We got there after one and had to wait a while and when we left a little after two they were still coming in. They have peoples names and numbers written on the walls and of course been the inquiring mind that I am I had to ask. Its names of people that have eaten the Mel burger and how long it took them. Now let me tell you about this Mel burger. Its one pound of meat, half pound of bacon, four slices of cheese and the other typical trimmings. Lowest number of minutes we saw was ten. Average of probably 50 but did see some 100 plus minutes. We're thinking of getting a couple of friends and splitting one. Get this, the price, $7.95. We'll certainly go back. Not for the Mel burger.
This morning I borrowed a tractor from down the road and brush hogged the dead wild flowers in Judy's yard. They have long since gone to seed of course lost their beauty. The fun part of this was watching the field mice scurry for cover and the one king snake being upset that I was destroying his hunting grounds. Oh well...progress. Chores completed for the day....yea!!
R&R the rest of the day. Oh boy!
Blessings to all....
Yesterday morning we power washed the front porch. Now this isn't any front porch. It's the length of the house and has gingerbread railings top and bottom. Thanks to the internal combustion engine that is connected to a pump it made this chore a lot easier. (power washer)
Judy offered to fix lunch but I wanted to try a place I've been hearing about for quite some time in Tomball. I'm sure glad we tried it. Mel's Diner...dang was it good. Honest to goodness fresh veggies. We got there after one and had to wait a while and when we left a little after two they were still coming in. They have peoples names and numbers written on the walls and of course been the inquiring mind that I am I had to ask. Its names of people that have eaten the Mel burger and how long it took them. Now let me tell you about this Mel burger. Its one pound of meat, half pound of bacon, four slices of cheese and the other typical trimmings. Lowest number of minutes we saw was ten. Average of probably 50 but did see some 100 plus minutes. We're thinking of getting a couple of friends and splitting one. Get this, the price, $7.95. We'll certainly go back. Not for the Mel burger.
This morning I borrowed a tractor from down the road and brush hogged the dead wild flowers in Judy's yard. They have long since gone to seed of course lost their beauty. The fun part of this was watching the field mice scurry for cover and the one king snake being upset that I was destroying his hunting grounds. Oh well...progress. Chores completed for the day....yea!!
R&R the rest of the day. Oh boy!
Blessings to all....
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Back in Conroe
Roxie and I got to Judy's about lunch time....good planning on my part.
We spent the afternoon running errands and then settled down for the evening with a fantastic dinner of vegetables. Judy's mom mailed...yes mailed us some home grown tomatoes from Ohio. She has a friend with a garden, I'll say. He recently brought Edith, Judy's mom, twelve dozen ears of corn already shucked and silk removed ready for the freezer. Now that's a good friend. He goes to the local farmers market several times a week selling his produce. We just wish he was closer. They are in northern Kentucky.
I'm sick and tired of this political mess we have gotten ourselves into. And yes, we, you and me that elected these representatives or the ones that have gotten us into this mess. I've written to my representatives and my senators with only Kay Bailey responding with a canned response but of course she's started running for Texas governor all ready.
Folks, those of you that know me know I've always been a vocal conservative but I admit to all of you...I am changing. I will not vote for an incumbent politician whether democrat, republican, libertarian or unregistered. We've got to take back this country.
We spent the afternoon running errands and then settled down for the evening with a fantastic dinner of vegetables. Judy's mom mailed...yes mailed us some home grown tomatoes from Ohio. She has a friend with a garden, I'll say. He recently brought Edith, Judy's mom, twelve dozen ears of corn already shucked and silk removed ready for the freezer. Now that's a good friend. He goes to the local farmers market several times a week selling his produce. We just wish he was closer. They are in northern Kentucky.
I'm sick and tired of this political mess we have gotten ourselves into. And yes, we, you and me that elected these representatives or the ones that have gotten us into this mess. I've written to my representatives and my senators with only Kay Bailey responding with a canned response but of course she's started running for Texas governor all ready.
Folks, those of you that know me know I've always been a vocal conservative but I admit to all of you...I am changing. I will not vote for an incumbent politician whether democrat, republican, libertarian or unregistered. We've got to take back this country.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Home in the country...
What a night!
I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and rested. The almost full moon was still up so it was nice to sit outside drinking coffee and pondering the sounds of the morning. I probably spend way too much time sitting on my porch enjoying what the good Lord has given me but then again why have it if you don't enjoy it. You see, my house is in the middle of 130 + acres and the view from the back porch is like this...10 acres of a 5 year old pine plantation, an eight acre coastal Bermuda hay meadow, rolling hills for several miles with dense woods on both sides. Sounds horrible to you city slickers, but we love it. Back to this morning. I went back for more coffee and checked the clock, it was 1:29...yea gads, what have I done? Finished the coffee, went back to bed, read till 3 and got up again at 6:45, now thats better.
I'm on my next pot of coffee and now the sun is up of course. That full moon will fool you if you let it. No uninvited house guest last night. Maybe getting caught and bloodying its nose getting out of the trap scared the critter away or its just laying up nursing its wounds. I just hope its not summoning reinforcements; that would not be good.
Curious thing this morning. I watched as two hummingbirds spared over the feeder territory and while they were busy tormenting each other a red wasp came to drink. Each time a hummer would come back to the feeder the wasp would chase it off. This continued till the wasp got its fill and now nobody is interested. Why is it, even in the animal world you only want what someone else has.
I've got a couple "chores" to do and then Roxie and I will drive back down to Conroe for a few days. I miss being in the country but I also miss being with Judy. One of these days all of this will sort itself out.
Blessings to all.....
I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and rested. The almost full moon was still up so it was nice to sit outside drinking coffee and pondering the sounds of the morning. I probably spend way too much time sitting on my porch enjoying what the good Lord has given me but then again why have it if you don't enjoy it. You see, my house is in the middle of 130 + acres and the view from the back porch is like this...10 acres of a 5 year old pine plantation, an eight acre coastal Bermuda hay meadow, rolling hills for several miles with dense woods on both sides. Sounds horrible to you city slickers, but we love it. Back to this morning. I went back for more coffee and checked the clock, it was 1:29...yea gads, what have I done? Finished the coffee, went back to bed, read till 3 and got up again at 6:45, now thats better.
I'm on my next pot of coffee and now the sun is up of course. That full moon will fool you if you let it. No uninvited house guest last night. Maybe getting caught and bloodying its nose getting out of the trap scared the critter away or its just laying up nursing its wounds. I just hope its not summoning reinforcements; that would not be good.
Curious thing this morning. I watched as two hummingbirds spared over the feeder territory and while they were busy tormenting each other a red wasp came to drink. Each time a hummer would come back to the feeder the wasp would chase it off. This continued till the wasp got its fill and now nobody is interested. Why is it, even in the animal world you only want what someone else has.
I've got a couple "chores" to do and then Roxie and I will drive back down to Conroe for a few days. I miss being in the country but I also miss being with Judy. One of these days all of this will sort itself out.
Blessings to all.....
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Last nights visitor...
Last time we checked last unwanted visitors. aka: Mr armadillo. Yet this morning the trap door was closed and the mechanism that holds the door closed was bent badly. I guess that means we had him but he got away. Kind of like the way I fish.
Today I've got to work on some of that stuff that I hate. My car insurance and health insurance are both up for renewal. I wonder when comrade Obamanation will start meddling in the car insurance business. I'm not going to get started on him today. I will say this however, how many of you have read any or all of HR3200? It is amazing how quickly they are turning this into a socialist country.
I'm mad too.
Today I've got to work on some of that stuff that I hate. My car insurance and health insurance are both up for renewal. I wonder when comrade Obamanation will start meddling in the car insurance business. I'm not going to get started on him today. I will say this however, how many of you have read any or all of HR3200? It is amazing how quickly they are turning this into a socialist country.
I'm mad too.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Back in the country...
Roxie and I got back home to the country late this morning and found 1/2 inch of rain had fallen and an uninvited guest had set up housekeeping in one of the flower beds.
I believe I mentioned earlier about Mr armadillo visiting and Ms Roxie giving chase. I had hoped that she had scared the thing enough that it would move on...wrong. I'll set the live traps this afternoon and get the 20 ga shotgun loaded. Just let that sucker show its head and boom!!!
Good news is that the dry line front passed here so the humidity is bearable even though the temperature is in the low 90's.
I've got some tractor mowing to do this afternoon and then a too quiet of an evening probably.
I believe I mentioned earlier about Mr armadillo visiting and Ms Roxie giving chase. I had hoped that she had scared the thing enough that it would move on...wrong. I'll set the live traps this afternoon and get the 20 ga shotgun loaded. Just let that sucker show its head and boom!!!
Good news is that the dry line front passed here so the humidity is bearable even though the temperature is in the low 90's.
I've got some tractor mowing to do this afternoon and then a too quiet of an evening probably.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Its Rally time at the lake
Enjoyed pot luck breakfast with all our friends this morning on the deck overlooking Lake Livingston. Of course I ate way too much and Judy picked like a bird. Oh thats not right...birds eat their weight each day and she wouldn't ever do that, I don't think.
Bright sun today and the heat came back along with the good ole gulf coast humidity. Judy still comments, "its only 50 degrees in Hill City". We sure fell in love with that area and are planning on several months there next summer.
After breakfast we drove down to Judy's house to check for a package her mother was sending...didn't come. And you want the feds to manage your health care? Heck, they can't get a package delivered on time. But of course, comrade Obamanation hasn't gotten the postal service straightened out yet. Sounds like another ACORN project. I'm not going to start except to say I've started reading HR3200 and it makes me sick. Oh my gosh, if it makes me sick they don't care because my productive years are so few that I can die and the country will be better off. That's how comrade Obamanation and his henchmen see it. I suppose it would help in creating the "superior" race.
Back to the rally. Judy made her mom's world famous mac and cheese for the pot luck dinner tonight. Yum yum. She and I had watermelon from Grapeland today for lunch. It was one we bought there a few days ago and I've never been a big melon fan but this thing was great. I had forgotten the ones straight from the fields are so much better. It was even red...just like we both remembered them being when we were kids. It was goooooood.
We are both planning for another great evening with friends.
Bright sun today and the heat came back along with the good ole gulf coast humidity. Judy still comments, "its only 50 degrees in Hill City". We sure fell in love with that area and are planning on several months there next summer.
After breakfast we drove down to Judy's house to check for a package her mother was sending...didn't come. And you want the feds to manage your health care? Heck, they can't get a package delivered on time. But of course, comrade Obamanation hasn't gotten the postal service straightened out yet. Sounds like another ACORN project. I'm not going to start except to say I've started reading HR3200 and it makes me sick. Oh my gosh, if it makes me sick they don't care because my productive years are so few that I can die and the country will be better off. That's how comrade Obamanation and his henchmen see it. I suppose it would help in creating the "superior" race.
Back to the rally. Judy made her mom's world famous mac and cheese for the pot luck dinner tonight. Yum yum. She and I had watermelon from Grapeland today for lunch. It was one we bought there a few days ago and I've never been a big melon fan but this thing was great. I had forgotten the ones straight from the fields are so much better. It was even red...just like we both remembered them being when we were kids. It was goooooood.
We are both planning for another great evening with friends.
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