Big cities have a lot to offer, if you're inclined to take advantage of those offerings.
Judy and I drove into Houston yesterday, mainly because neither one of us had been there for a while. By golly, its still Houston and I still love it. You must understand, Houston is where I lived the majority of of my adult life. I got a college education, met nice young women, learned not to drink alcohol in excess, worked in the petro chemical industry, married, bought homes and had three wonderful children.
A friend of mine this week posted a joke on one of the RV forums I frequent about Red Adair and the engineering company Brown & Root. An unknown person responded something to the effect that B&R had been fined millions or maybe even billions of dollars for illegal actions over on the other side of the world. I jumped to B&R's defense for several reasons. One, don't be messing in something you don't know about and two, don't run down anything Texan. We'll get on you for that. What was so good about Ken's post was that it brought back all those memories of my early business dealings in Houston. My first million dollar sale was in 1971 to B&R for a Gulf Oil project in Alliance, LA. It was my first experience doing business in Louisiana and was it a learning experience. I happened to be friends with man thats dad was attorney general in Louisiana and lets just say the AG ended up with a nice Christmas bonus that year. It's just the way its done in Louisiana.
Back to the city of Houston. I was proud to see how clean the city streets were downtown. We didn't see any panhandlers but then again it was Saturday and not many opportunities to panhandle. There was very little construction and other than the electric train running up and down Main St there wasn't much traffic. Its always a pleasant surprise to go back to familiar surrounding and find them nicer than you remembered.
I've got to get dressed for church. Its sure nice most people have realized God doesn't care if you come in a suit and tie or a pair of jeans to church, just come. I'll wear a pull over shirt and a nice pair of slacks.
Blessings to all....
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