Thursday, August 27, 2009

Blasted Hogs...

Yep...blasted! And thats exactly what I did late yesterday.

We were sitting on the porch, how unusual is that (?), as the sun was going down that dang hog appeared at the feeder. Judy got Roxie inside and I grabbed my trusty .30-.30 lever action Winchester. I headed out on the great safari in my yard. I of course didn't need the Range Rover or the locals to carry supplies on their heads as I knew this would be a rather short safari, and it was. I got behind a hickory tree, much stronger and bigger than the stand of sassafras, to conceal my whereabouts. That ole hog was busy rubbing himself on the utility pole and not paying me no never mind. Well I sure got his attention when I busted him in the butt with the Winchester so much so that he started running straight towards me. I quickly thought, this ain't good, wonder how many bullets were loaded in the Winchester, oh my. Breeched another shell, thankfully, and shot at a 200 pound hog running straight at me...drats, missed. It did give him the idea that maybe he should head a different direction, which was just fine with me. As he was running away from me, I unloaded another 150 grain round into that big butt of his and knocked him down. As he squealed and ran off I decided that safaris in the yard are not all that bad. I walked a couple hundred feet back to the porch, sat down in the rocker and explained to Judy the finer techniques of going safari hunting in the yard. Number one rule, always have a big hickory tree between you and a charging hog. There's something about seeing those tusks gleaming in the waning sun that sends a chill over you. I don't know if I killed him but I know he is a little heavier today because he's carrying around at least two pieces of lead. I checked the feeder this morning and he decided to eat someplace else last tracks. Daniel Boone and Davey would be proud of me ...I hope.

I'm sitting on the porch listening to the drops of rain drip off the roof and splatter on the big leaves of that plant I can't ever remember the name of. The thunder in the distance makes me think we're in for a day of needed showers. I pray for that anyway. I'm glad we got the hay meadow cut, baled and the hay stacked in the barn before all this rain. Wet grass doesn't make for good hay.

We don't have any projects planned for today but I still haven't gotten around to setting up my game camera. There is always tomorrow... or at least thats another prayer.

Blessings to all......

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