Last night I had a little scare. Around 9 Roxie barked at the door to come in, nothing unusual about that; I swear she thinks she was born to be waited on sometimes. She came in a jumped up on the couch next to me and started her circling like she always does before settling down but when she tried to lie down she would whimper and yelp. Not good, I thought. This went on as if she had some sort of internal pain. I of course checked her for any signs of cuts or bites and didn't find anything. The only way she could seem to get comfortable was by lying stretched out on her side. Those of you that know us know how much I love that dog and will do anything for her. All I could do at that hour was rub her, talk to her and we prayed for her to be okay. I finally fell asleep around mid night with her lying on the floor next to my bed. What concerned me most was her breathing seemed to be labored. I of course didn't sleep very know, kinda slept with one eye open but she seemed okay during the night. I woke up around 6 this morning and jumped up to check her. She had moved to the other side of the bedroom floor, probably looking for you know who, and gave me that ever familiar tail wag. We moved to the porch and she seemed much improved...thank you Lord. She jumped up in the padded chair and began her morning survey of her manor. Not one minute had gone by and a deer showed itself at the treeline in the hay meadow. Roxie's well, she jumped off that chair and the chase was on. I wonder when she's going to learn that she cannot catch those deer? She's been fine all day...lounging.
Do the rest of ya'll have a "junk" drawer in you kitchen? You know, hammer, screw driver, pliers, nuts, bolts, screws, tape and on and on and on. I have two. Boy...that's a story for another day.
Blessings to all of you...
Soooo glad to hear that Roxie is ok! Jaymie got her bandages off yesterday - two months and three days after her accident. The vet bill is over $3200 but I will find a way to pay it. She is worth it to me.