We all need a down day occasionally so there, I said it and I'm going to stick to it.
The thunder rolled...dang, sounds like a song but then thats not what this story is about. The thunder did roll this morning and the lightning was making it appear later than it really was but Roxie didn't care what time it was. I'm lying there snoozing away around 5 this morning when I felt a 35 pound weight settle on the side of my bed and then cozy up to me. Dog breath was a dead give away as to who the perpetrator of this vicious prank was...Ms Roxie decided the thunder was too loud and the lightning was too bright or should that be brite, don't know and really I don't care, being an engineer and all but back to the story. I know I've got you riveted now. Roxie usually isn't concerned with thunder and lightning but she sure was this morning. Or maybe its payback for those mornings we awaken her in what she is sure is the middle of the night. Doesn't matter, we got up. We again had coffee-guess where. Yep on the porch.
After the sun made its usual appearance I jumped in the Suzuki to make the 150 yard drive to the game camera to see what had been captured on Kodachrome during the night. Twelve images had been shot, oh my. I retrieved the card and anxiously hurried back to the computer to see what had ventured forth during the night. First picture was a mug shot of me, in color however, second was when Roxie ran in the camera's field of view, third-seventh was of Judy and I driving up in the Suzuki yesterday. Guess what the remainder images were of...here piggy, piggy. I can assure you it wasn't the one that I shot in the butt the other day because this one was much smaller. Maybe 100 pounds, but if that sucker keeps eating my $6/bag corn, it'll get fatter. And the corn is for the deer not coons, crows and especially hogs.
So much for the country. We packed up and drove back to Judy's for the weekend. We missed church last weekend so we thought we should go this Sunday since we'll be at a RV rally Labor Day weekend. Oh thats right, you heard my tirade about the church at my home last week. We won't go there again.
Interesting sight today. Judy picked up some dry cleaning today and while I waited in the car I noticed a machine in an open doorway. I could easily tell it was a new machine and I was fascinated watching it work. This is the mechanical engineer coming out in me so just bear with me or hit ctrl, alt, del...I don't care. But this machine was incredible. There was one lady operating it. She would place a shirt, because thats what it was designed to do, on one of the four stations. A cover would press the front and back simultaneous while two "arms" would pull straight out on the arms of the shirt, pressing them. Of course I had to get out of the car for a closer look. It takes about 40 seconds for the shirt to make it around the four stations. The operator removed the shirt and using some other ingenious machine she would finish the collar. I could have watched that machine for hours but Judy was patiently waiting in the car. I don't think she appreciated the machine as much as I did. That's the problem with engineers I guess.
I'm now resting in a recliner with my knee elevated some. I guess I made a move when I was on safari or something because it is sore as heck and swollen pretty badly. I'm just glad I left the .30-.30 rifle in the country. I don't want anybody getting the idea of well "they shoot horses don't they". It'll be better tomorrow, I pray.
Blessings to all.....
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