Friday, August 21, 2009

Great weather is here

Yep it is and I was up to see it all happen. You see, the lightning woke me up around 3:30 this morning and I could never go back to sleep. So what does an average person do, log on!!! I went to face book and made some mindless post, and thats exactly what most people do, about the time. Low and behold my friend Barbara immediately responded, "what are you doing up at 4 am". Oh know, I knew then, if the both of us were up at that hour it must be an omen.

Made coffee and moved to the, oh come on, guess. Roxie reluctantly joined me and I'm pretty sure she had only one eye open. We walked around in the yard listening to the sounds of the night. The whippoorwill was still sounding sad but Mister Hooty Owl was telling all that would light is coming. Not for a while though. The front with all its cloud cover had not yet gotten to us so the stars were still absolutely brilliant. The stars in Orion's belt were lined up just like they were supposed to be. Do you remember in seventh grade science when we learned that stars "twinkle" and planets shine? Boy they were this morning...twinkling and shining that is.

Finally decided to call Judy around 6:30 and she answered all out of breath saying she had been awake since 4:30 and was on the treadmill. No, she had not been on the treadmill for two hours.
I mean come on, treadmill at 6 in the morning. I'm lucky to get one foot in front of the other to the coffee pot at that time in the morning. Well now I digress, I am able to make it to the (guess). Hint-starts with a p.

I fixed a grand breakfast in preparation of the days chores. Tractor time. Lopper time. Man, its amazing what happens to the plants here when we get a good rain. Grow! I mowed for several hours and then decided to stretch my legs so I grabbed those high dollar loppers Judy bought me and went to loppering. Whew! That didn't last near as long as sitting on the comfy seat of the Kubota tractor. I was mowing along contemplating life's issues when a serious vibration started. I turned and saw that the gear box on the mower was loose. Not good I thought to myself. I stopped and disconnected the mower from the tractor, used the front end loader to turn the mower over and much to my chagrin realized it was not going to be an easy task. One thing to remember if you ever move to the country, make sure you have an assortment of large heavy hammers. I always need to hammer something to fit and then paint to match. Got it repaired but by that time I was exhausted. Remember, 3:30. Fixed dinner and now getting ready for Judy to come back to the country for a longer and hopefully a more restful week.

Now pay attention to this. God sent the lightning this morning that woke me up and then He gave me the free will to either lie in bed or get up and enjoy His creation. I chose to go listen to the sounds of the night and to marvel the beauty of the night sky. Try it sometime, you might be surprised.

Blessing to all....

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